Wednesday, February 20, 2013

First Sunday Service in Kampot

Feb 20 - We had a great weekend (last weekend). About a dozen members of the Phnom Penh Church of Christ came down to hold the first service here in Kampot. We spent Saturday afternoon going around downtown Kampot inviting people to come to our service on Sunday. We were also honored to host a potluck dinner at our house on Saturday night with everyone. It was very exciting and felt so right to be hosting a party again like we often did back in NJ before the fire. The Cambodians brought Khmer food and we Ex-Pats made our various Western dishes. We also bought fresh homemade lemon meringue and banana cream pies from the Pie and Ice Cream Palace in Kampot which were AWESOME ( There was plenty of food to go around and everyone had their fill.

Sunday morning we had church at the Borey Bokor Hotel conference room. We wound up having 11 visitors from the hospital and in town. Sovann Seng from the Phnom Penh preached a great message. We are still trying to get use to hearing the message in Khmer and being translated to English. I love the way they sing the songs - they sing verses in Khmer and then in English.  All in all it was a very good turn out and several people asked to study the bible after service. This was all very encouraging for the people from Phnom Penh and they have promised to start coming down once a month to have service here in Kampot. Keep praying for the church to build and Christianity to be spread throughout Cambodia.

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