Monday, February 4, 2013

Arrived in Cambodia

We have now set-up houe in Kampot, Cambodia. We spent our first weekend in the capital city of Phenom Phen. Since they were having the King's creamation ceremonies this weekend, we avoided downtown becuase of the crows. We attended church at Campot Cty with the ExPats and some of the local Cambodians.
After church we went to lunch at the Terrace (Cambodian's version of Starbucks - with more food). We then traveled down to Kampot where we saw our new home for the first time. Monday was a national holiday for the King's creamation so several of the people staying on the compound got together for breakfast. Afterwards we took our first trip to the market in town. That was a different experience. It was very much like one of the asian run dollar stores in New Jersey. It had a little bit of everything. We hit the local outdoor markets for fresh fruits and veggies. I am already hooked on mangos and dragon fruit. They are so fresh and juicy here. Tomorrow we start our new jobs. Can't wait.


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