Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We Are Back!

Hello Friends!

We had to suddenly return to the US after getting word of the unexpected death of Tod's mom on March 7. Our focus was on this difficult tragedy so we did not update the blog. We have settled back into our life in Kampot and now feel its time to resume our posts. We have recently spent time in Preah Sihanouk "Ream" National Park which will provide some beautiful pictures. We also will be posting the second part of our trip to Seam Reap. Right now is also the tail end of the Khmer New Year (Soo-a s'day ch'num t'may!)

The hospital also opened for inpatient and emergency services for 24h/7 operations. It has been a challenge in some ways, but the hospital is saving lives in even more ways, especially those of the children that come in.

And to our family and friends that helped us through the difficult loss of Tod's mom - thank you and God bless you for being there.

Turning the page...

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